The Official Metro-North app includes real-time train status and track information, links to MTA eTix to buy electronic tickets, trip schedules and fares, and detailed station information including Grand Central.
Features include:
- Link to the MTA eTix app to buy electronic tickets from trip searches
- Access real-time trip information directly from Metro-North including train status, track number, and the latest service notices
- Save favorite trips for one click access to daily schedules, status and track number
- Get schedules that update in real-time — no need to download new timetables every time you open the app!
- Find out trip details including duration, transfer details, Peak / Off Peak, fares and station stops
- Browse the new “Discover Grand Central” page to see the latest deals from Grand Central shops and restaurants, check out upcoming events, and explore the directory map
- Look up station information including location, parking, taxis and connecting services
- Find Grand Central Terminal information, including deals, events, and directories
- Easy access to accessibility details including ADA compliance and elevator / escalator status for all stations
Whether you are a daily commuter looking for up-to-date information on your usual trip or an occasional traveler trying to find the best trip option, the Train Time App is the most convenient and accurate way to plan a seamless trip.
Resmi aplikasi Metro-Utara meliputi Status kereta aktual dan melacak informasi, link ke MTA etix untuk membeli tiket elektronik, perjalanan jadwal dan harga, dan informasi stasiun rinci termasuk Grand Central.
Fitur termasuk:
- Link ke aplikasi MTA etix untuk membeli tiket elektronik dari pencarian perjalanan
- Akses informasi perjalanan real-time langsung dari Metro-Utara termasuk status kereta, nomor trek, dan pemberitahuan layanan terbaru
- Simpan perjalanan favorit untuk akses satu klik ke jadwal harian, status dan nomor track
- Dapatkan jadwal update yang secara real-time - tidak perlu men-download jadwal baru setiap kali Anda membuka aplikasi!
- Cari tahu rincian perjalanan termasuk durasi, rincian transfer, Peak / Off Puncak, tarif dan berhenti di stasiun
- Browse baru halaman "pilihan Grand Central" untuk melihat tawaran terbaru dari toko-toko Grand Central dan restoran, check out acara mendatang, dan menjelajahi peta direktori
- Carilah informasi stasiun termasuk lokasi, parkir, taksi dan jasa yang menghubungkan
- Cari informasi Grand Central Terminal, termasuk penawaran, peristiwa, dan direktori
- Akses mudah ke rincian aksesibilitas termasuk kepatuhan ADA dan status lift / eskalator untuk semua stasiun
Apakah Anda seorang komuter harian mencari up-to-date informasi perjalanan biasa atau wisatawan sesekali mencoba untuk menemukan pilihan perjalanan terbaik, Kereta Waktu App adalah cara yang paling nyaman dan akurat untuk merencanakan perjalanan mulus.
The Official Metro-North app includes real-time train status and track information, links to MTA eTix to buy electronic tickets, trip schedules and fares, and detailed station information including Grand Central.
Features include:
- Link to the MTA eTix app to buy electronic tickets from trip searches
- Access real-time trip information directly from Metro-North including train status, track number, and the latest service notices
- Save favorite trips for one click access to daily schedules, status and track number
- Get schedules that update in real-time — no need to download new timetables every time you open the app!
- Find out trip details including duration, transfer details, Peak / Off Peak, fares and station stops
- Browse the new “Discover Grand Central” page to see the latest deals from Grand Central shops and restaurants, check out upcoming events, and explore the directory map
- Look up station information including location, parking, taxis and connecting services
- Find Grand Central Terminal information, including deals, events, and directories
- Easy access to accessibility details including ADA compliance and elevator / escalator status for all stations
Whether you are a daily commuter looking for up-to-date information on your usual trip or an occasional traveler trying to find the best trip option, the Train Time App is the most convenient and accurate way to plan a seamless trip.